

Love chocolate and peanut butter? Just wait until you try these soft, fudgy, flavorful Peanut Butter Chip Brownies!

These Peanut Butter Chip Brownies are a simple twist on a fudgy brownie I’ve made many times. (Hello, Fudgy Cookies and Cream Brownies and Pecan Lovers’ Brownies!) They’re not fancy or elaborate. They’re just really, really good, especially if you’re a big fan of chocolate and peanut butter like I am myob training course.

Peanut butter chips are responsible for all of the peanut butter flavor here. They are such an easy way to add a little or a lot of peanut butter flavor to baked goods. And these brownies are really packed with peanut butter chips. In fact, I’m not sure I could have gotten any more mixed into the batter. If you’d like a few less, then feel free to dial it back to suit your tastes.

These brownies are made with both melted chocolate and cocoa powder for a big, fudgy chocolate experience. Plus, you get a little bit of that crackly top that cocoa powder often gives brownies Xero Inventory.

If you’re a chocolate and peanut butter fan looking for a quick and easy treat, then I think you’ll love these Peanut Butter Chip Brownies. Brownies with peanut butter chips aren’t exactly revolutionary in the baking world, but I can tell you that they 100% get our seal of approval!

And if you want even more brownies with peanut butter, try Peanut Butter Brownies, Peanut Butter Streusel Brownies, and Brownie Peanut Butter Cups Hong kong apartment for rent.

Posted by Journey of life at 16:47│Comments(0)

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Journey of life